About the speaker
Neale Webb
Neale Webb lives in Dublin and has a family connection to Shackleton!
He first travelled to the Antarctic in 2005 and the intervening years have been marked by several invitations from Local History Societies and Event Groups for Neale Webb to tell the story of his travels in Polar Regions. Webb says his most spectacular trip was in 2006 when he travelled on a Russian Icebreaker all the way to the Ross Ice Shelf – and McMurdo Sound – where the Huts of the Heroic Age are situated. Webb was even more fortunate to be afforded the opportunity to fly by helicopter to Shackleton’s Hut at Cape Royds, then, Scott’s Hut at Cape Evans, and the Discovery Hut beside the US McMurdo Base.
Neals Webb says he is particularly chuffed that the BBC are, in more recent times, describing Shackleton as ‘Anglo-Irish’ rather than the traditional ‘British’.
In January 2012, Neale Webb delivered his Talk to the Kildare Street and University Club.
A Review said: “It was a virtuoso performance by Neale and enjoyed by the huge attendance. He reclaimed Shackleton as a genuine Irish hero”.