About the speaker
Dr Paul O’Brien
Paul O’Brien received his doctorate from the Department of History at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, where he lectures in the Academic Learning Centre.
In 2019, he published a monograph based on his PhD thesis: The Glynns of Kilrush, County Clare, 1811–1940: Family, business and politics (Four Courts Press).
He has just co-authored a new book entitled ‘Taprooms, Taverns and Alehouses: Limerick City Pubs, 1850-2024’. He is working on a new study about the suburban villas of Limerick City.
In 2016, Paul was a research fellow at Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris. He is a member of the Council of Europa Nostra.
Paul is a recipient of the Military Heritage Trust of Ireland award for his research into recruitment practices during the First World War.
He has appeared on BBC and RTE television.